Building Skills and Developing the Mindset of the Future, to Co-Design Sustainable Solutions for the 21st Century

Olympiaskolan | Tisdag 14 juni klockan 10.45-11.30 & 11.45-12.30 | Nicolaiskolan | Tisdag 14 juni klockan 15.15-16.00 & 16.15-17.00

The world we live in changes rapidly. Education is going through a transformation. We run Hackathons for Youth: The Future of Education is Now. We are giving young people a voice to express how they look at learning and education in 2022 and beyond, what they find relevant, what they want to keep, develop and bin. They are empowered to be agents of change and create sustainable global solutions to societal and planetary challenges, connecting the work to the UN goals.  During the Hackathon we guide the participants through  our Future Mindset & Skills Playbook,  where they will enhance their cognitive-, social-, emotional-, physical-, and environmental and digital skills.Through micro-learnings the participants get tools, in a design-thinking way, to collaborate, create, connect, practice a growth mindset, implement knowledge about neurotransmitters,  all in a project-based & problem-solving context. During the workshop today you will get immersed into this methodology and experience how you can empower your students to be the game changers the world needs now. 

With Yvette Larsson and Nanna Spetz from AHA Accelerating education.

NOTE! The workshop is in English